This blog is dedicated for all sorts of thrills I've been looking about and checking out. Contents of this blog may carry a lot or no significance with your life but I would like to thank you for taking interest at my interests.

I am no one important in terms of arts, athletics, politics or commerce. My blog posts may be inaccurate for most people but is definitely akin to my own thoughts. These are thoughts concocted out of boredom and some from my own life realizations.

As for the domain name, whenever I think of things I found interesting at the moment, the word thrill comes to mind. I tried conjuring other similar words, I ended up empty handed.

Maybe adding iest would make the word even more thrilling than it is? Maybe not. I know, it's a little silly.

The title of the blog is All Kinds of Jazzy Shit or AKJS, if you will. It comes from a novel of one of my favorite authors, Kurt Vonnegut.

P.S. My manner of putting thoughts into paper can get boring/irritating

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