Reaching out for the Green Light

I have been slacking deliberately for the past few weeks. That's why I have not been showing up here or anywhere. It's not that I don't want to do anything significant. It's just work has been unruly and I've trying to change gears lately in my life. Now I'm just waiting (though still continuous) for my efforts to grow.

I want to do so many things let alone achieve things in my life.

I want to provide for the people I love. To cook for them, to furnish them a clean and safe home, to spend more time and enjoy some leisure hours with them. I've been cooking more lately. I've been missing gym and jiu jitsu too for them! So I have wearing my fat suit for quite a while now.

I want to learn and relearn. I want to improve and also change. I'm afraid that I'd regret it that I've been missing these things I gotta know in my life. I've been rereading my old Biology and Physics books. Believe it or not, an anime (Silver Spoon) did inspire me to relearn stuff. I've taken studying for granted when I was younger and now I want to know everything about Bio Chemistry and Food Nutrition.

The anime is all about a boy named Hachiken, a top-class student who enrolled himself not in a top-class high school but to a specialized school in Hokkaido far away from Tokyo. The high school is focused on agri-business and everything about food production. He might be a grade A student but he learns some advanced Science he has never heard of learning in high school before (GMOs, food science, pasturization, etc.). He also picks up some things that has changed his views and beliefs in life which is more valuable than any advanced Math formula in class in my opinion. I think the best thing about this anime is that as I learn about food and where it comes from, how it is processed, and etc. I appreciate it more and appreciate even more the hard work that my parents have done to put food on my plate. If you want something funny and also informative, you should check it out.

In other news, I've been painting, drawing, reading a lot too. I think I'm improving on painting and drawing but not quite at the level I could boast of.

I've been investing my time and money for something big. It is all still very elusive and unclear so for now, I'm just jotting down ideas and saving them for later. Maybe a small business venture, a new equipment, a part-time racket - definitely a life upgrade.

I'm still very unsure of the steps I am taking right now but I'm all-in and willing to take risks.

I will post some new music soon! I've been compiling one huge one for the past few weeks. I'm just unable to share them yet with so many things to do. I'm sorry.

See a Poem as Lovely as a Neon Tree

Lately, I've been encouraging myself to take things seriously. I need to start learning to commit to things. It's difficult! I like change but it seems like I get to do different things and I can't focus into excelling in a single task. Does that happen to you? I want to do many things at the same time but I don't have time. I wanna do more but I do less since I can't do everything. I need to adhere more.

Oh, commitment issues.

Backtracking a bit the past few days. Listening to Neon Trees today.

Let's start with Everybody Talks.

I've been told that I can be a little to bold or sometimes I come off as rude when making a statement. Well, in my defense, I don't really want to be mean or rude. Maybe I was just being honest when asked for an opinion.

Lessons in Love

It might be because my voice is too loud or maybe my intonation when speaking? My manner of putting words and thoughts together? Damn. Maybe I'll try talking more slowly. Sometimes words just come out of impulse to reply. Out of the rush of thinking of a reply, I say what I am thinking without autocorrect. Ha.

Sleeping With A Friend
